The Michigan Health Council awarded ten organizations and two individuals with Building Michigan’s Health Care Workforce awards, recognizing excellence in health care workforce issues in five areas: education and training, interprofessional education, health care workforce recruitment and retention, and community and regional collaboration.
“We are proud to be able to recognize all of the great work that is being done by individuals and organizations across the state,” said Anne Rosewarne, President and CEO of the Michigan Health council. “These organizations created programs to address the challenges facing health care in a meaningful way, with an emphasis on collaboration, sustainability, and diversity.”
This year’s award winners include:
Davenport University College of Health Professions
Ferris State University
Hills and Dales General Hospital
Hope College of Nursing
Kalkaska Memorial Health Center
Michigan State University Department of Family Medicine
Michigan State University College of Nursing
Portage Health
Saint Mary’s Health Care – Trinity Health West
Spectrum Health System
The Michigan Health Council’s mission is to develop solutions to the problems facing Michigan’s Health Care Workforce. This award helps recognize those organizations and individuals who share the value of finding innovative and sustainable solutions to the challenges facing health care today.
“It seems like we only read about the challenges facing health care today,” noted Rosewarne. “The Michigan Health Council wants to recognize those individuals and organizations who share our value of creating collaborative, sustainable solutions to health care issues.”
The Michigan Health Council created the Building Michigan Health Care Workforce Awards in 2009 to recognize the efforts Michigan health care employers and professional make to expand, diversify, and improve the quality of Michigan’s health care workforce.