ACEMAPP is a secure, online clinical education tool which was developed by the Michigan Health Council (MHC) in 2008. It provides a collaborative space for the clinical education process, breaking down the silos that often exist among departments and allowing for more efficient processes and communications. If your organization isn’t using ACEMAPP across your entire organization, you may not be getting the most out of your annual subscription. All member types ACEMAPP hosts a variety of member types across various departments, allowing everyone to access the information they need, when they need it. Below you can see some of the member types and departments that benefit from the all-in-one platform. Member types: • Hospital Coordinators • Faculty • Observers • Staff • School Coordinators • Vendors • Non-Employees • Students (High School & Post-Secondary) • Administrators • Volunteers • Recruiters • Preceptors Departments: • Security • Compliance • Parking/Badging • Human Resources • Education • Administrators
Parking & Badging ACEMAPP electronically documents the approval of clinical schedules across multiple departments, specifying who will need access, when, and to where. It also ensure that all standards have been met prior to gaining access. Parking and badging professionals can run custom reports to quickly collect information required for verifying compliance. The on-site report identifies everyone at the facility on any given day to see who is where, when, and that they are compliant. Broadcast messaging allows for quick and efficient dissemination of information when necessary, and all changes are reflected in real time.
Contracts & Compliance ACEMAPP members can affiliate with partners electronically by institution and/or discipline, store paperless contracts in a secure environment, and see when contracts are close to expiring. ACEMAPP even allows members to access contact information for partners based on their program. ACEMAPP also provides a space to deliver standardized requirements. Necessary forms, documents, and courses are clearly outlined and available for completion by partners and non-employees. With the option to limit user access, members across various departments are able to see only the information relevant to their work.
Human Resources Health systems dedicate time and resources to hosting health care students for clinical rotations, so why shouldn’t they be able to communicate with those same students when they begin to look for a career? ACEMAPP Careers matches health care professionals and employers nationwide. Its mission is to improve access to care by supporting the recruitment and retention of health care professionals. Employer members enjoy unlimited job postings and gain unlimited access to our database of self-registered candidates. Candidates also receive matching emails when your opportunities meet their preferences, and they may express interest directly when they see a job that they’d like to explore further.
Implementation Planning
To ensure a highly efficient process, an ACEMAPP implementation manager will meet with your core team to learn about your organization’s specific needs. We will determine which features would work best for you and provide recommendations for a streamlined clinical education process using ACEMAPP. We will also work with you to set a timeline to ensure everyone is working toward the same goals. The ACEMAPP team is always ready to sit down with current or potential partners to assess areas for improvement, and how your team can begin using ACEMAPP more collaboratively. To get started, please contact the ACEMAPP support team at [email protected] or 844-223-4292.