The Michigan Health Council’s 2013 Annual Luncheon and Workforce Awards Presentation
Register The Michigan Health Council’s 2013 Annual Luncheon and Workforce Awards Presentation
November 11, 2013
11:45 a.m. – 2 p.m.
University Club, Lansing MI
Tim Pletcher
Executive Director, Michigan Health Information Network
Mr. Pletcher will discuss the Michigan Health Information Network Shared Services (MiHIN), Michigan’s initiative to improve health care through the secure electronic exchange of health information between patients, physicians, laboratories, pharmacies, and public health officials.
Melanie Brim
Senior Deputy Director, Michigan Department of Community Health
Since Health Information Technology will provide Michigan with unprecedented levels of information, the Michigan Department of Community Health will provide an overview of how MiHIN may help address health workforce supply and demand in Michigan.