Post-Bacc Certificate in Premedical Studies
Albion College
4-Year IHE
Healthcare Industry
Organizations Involved
Occupations Impacted
Students, general; Physician group; dentists, general; physical therapists; Physician Assistnats; Pharmacists
Workforce Development Focus
Increasing number of healthcare workers
Workforce Issue Addressed
Increases training available to individuals not yet in the workforce to work in a healthcare profession
Albion College offers a year-long Post-Baccalaureate Certificate in Premedical Studies. The program is designed to prepare students to gain entry into professional school by developing their academic and extracurricular competencies. Students take social science and science elective courses, have clinical placements, meet with Wilson Medical Institute advisors and participate in professional development workshops in areas such as application preparation, public health and MCAT/DAT/GRE preparation. The goal of the program is to increase the number of students who go to graduate programs to become healthcare professionals.