MHC, CMU College of Medicine, MSU College of Human Medicine, WSU School of Medicine, Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine (WMed)
4-Year IHE
Healthcare Industry
Organizations Involved
Occupations Impacted
Physician group
Workforce Development Focus
Increasing number of healthcare workers AND improving the quality of healthcare workforce AND healthcare workforce retention
Workforce Issue Addressed
Training individuals to work in a healthcare profession; training current healthcare professionals so that they will be able to serve a broader population; opportunity for educational reimbursement
MIDOCs is a state-funded program that expands graduate medical education residency programs in select specialties to direct, recruit, and retain physicians to practice in rural and underserved areas of Michigan. MIDOCs participants are required to practice in a rural or urban underserved areas in Michigan for 2 years post-residency. Residents may also receive up to $75,000 of educational loan repayment. The goal of MIDOCs is to increase the number of trained physicians who practice and stay in rural and/or underserved areas of Michigan.