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Apply for the Health Leaders Fellowship by December 5, 2016

Apply today for the Ecology Center’s Health Leaders Fellowship and receive training from environmental health experts and develop the skills necessary to make change in your community, hospital, and the public policy arena. This program is open to health professionals from any field and at any stage of their career. Ideal candidates are health professionals who are committed to prevention and passionate about creating safe and healthy environments where we live, work and play. Download the application here.

Focus Areas:

  1. Food: Our current food system favors industrial farms, synthetic fertilizers & pesticides, and the misuse of antibiotics. This has serious health implications including antibiotic resistance, rising rates of cancer & reproductive health issues and an epidemic of diet-related chronic diseases.

  2. Toxics: Hazardous chemmicals present in many of the products we use every day have been linked to increasing burdens of disease of certain cancers, autism and learning disabilities, and infertility.

  3. Climate & Energy: Climate change is one of the most pressing public health issues facing us today. Our reliance on fossil fuels like coal contributes not only to climate change but also to acute health problems such as increasing rates of asthma and heart disease

Applications will be accepted until December 5th. If you are or know a nurse, doctor, dietician, public health professional, or other health professional please visit their website to learn more and share with your networks.

If you have any questions, please contact Mara Herman at [email protected].

P.S. Please consider making a donation to the Rebecca Head Fund for Education & Leadership. This fund helps to support the Health Leaders Fellowship and other health education projects of the Ecology Center.



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