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Practice Ready. Specialty Focused. Nurse Education Model

Healthcare Industry

Organizations Involved

Occupations Involved

Workforce Development Focus

Workforce Issues Addressed

4-Year IHE

American Nurses Association (ANA), Chamberlain University, Loyola Medicine, Ochsner Health, Emory Healthcare, Association of periOperative Registered Nurses (AORN), BrightStar Care

Nursing students

Increasing number of healthcare workers

Attracting and training individuals to work in a healthcare profession


The "Practice Ready. Specialty Focused." Nurse Education Model is a grant-funded program led by Chamberlain University. The program increases nursing students' practice-readiness by introducing them to specialty areas of practice and giving them an opportunity to try out nursing specialties so they have a better idea of their career goals before graduation. Currently, Chamberlain University offers two nursing specialty track experiences. There is a 16-week online didactic Introduction to Perioperative Nursing course and an eight-week perioperative clinical experience offered at Loyola Medicine, Emory Healthcare and Ochsner Health sites. There is also an online didactic Introduction to Continuing Health course and an accompanying 96-hour clinical experience at BrightStar Care for home health nursing. The project is funded by a $1.2M grant from the American Nurses Foundation Reimagining Nursing Initiative.

Michigan Health Council does not administer all of the programs in this database. Please see the "organizations involved" above to learn who you should contact for more information.

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