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First Responder Apprenticeship Program

Healthcare Industry

2-Year IHE

Organizations Involved

Lansing Community College; Lansing Fire Department; Capital Area Michigan Works!

Occupations Involved

Emergency Medical Technicians

Workforce Development Focus

Increasing number of healthcare workers AND improving the quality of healthcare workforce

Workforce Issues Addressed

Cross-training current healthcare professionals to be certified in another healthcare provider capacity


Lansing Community College has announced a new First Responder Apprenticeship program partnership between the college’s Health and Human Services Division (HHS), the Lansing Fire Department, and Capital Area Michigan Works! (CAMW). The apprenticeship program will address a critical shortage of emergency medical workers in the Capital region by providing existing firefighters with Emergency Medical Technician (EMT) training through Lansing Community College's EMT Academy, greatly increasing the services they can provide. The EMT Academy is offered to apprentices for free through a DOL Strengthening Community College grant and Workforce Development Institute funds.
For more information:

Michigan Health Council does not administer all of the programs in this database. Please see the "organizations involved" above to learn who you should contact for more information.

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