Dual Enrollment Classes
Healthcare Industry
4-Year IHE
Organizations Involved
Battle Creek Public Schools, Grand Valley State University
Occupations Involved
High school students
Workforce Development Focus
Increasing number of healthcare workers
Workforce Issues Addressed
Providing a benefit or incentive that encourages individuals to pursue a healthcare profession
Upperclassmen at Battle Creek Central High School have the ability to take free dual enrollment classes related to healthcare, which are taught on-site by GVSU professors. Students must have a cumulative GPA of at least 2.75 to be eligible. Students can take courses entitled "Introduction to Healthcare" and "Medical Terminology" and can earn 3 college credits at GVSU for each course they complete. The goal of the dual enrollment classes is to encourage upperclassmen to major in a health profession in college. Funding comes from the W.K. Kellogg Foundation.
Michigan Health Council does not administer all of the programs in this database. Please see the "organizations involved" above to learn who you should contact for more information.