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HOSA MED Talk 2015

This year, Michigan HOSA held a brand new event meant to engage and inform HOSA-Future Health Profession students about hot topics relevant to health care preparation and practice. The idea was formed and developed by Michigan HOSA state officers with the help of Michigan HOSA director Mark Burley during officer training this past May. “We all have a love for TED Talks”, said Burley, “we figured HOSA students might also want to hear from Michigan health care providers”.

There was a huge variety of speakers for the event, eight in total, including a personal trainer, physical therapist, life coach, massage therapist, Michigan HOSA state officer, and three physicians. “It was obvious right out of the gate that we did not schedule enough time for questions”, said Burley, “the students and teachers were thirsting for more information”.

Topics ranged from hidden truths about death and forensic medicine to test taking tips and techniques. From start to finish, the event was a huge success, drawing 29 HOSA chapters, made up of over 400 students, to Michigan State University’s beautiful fall campus.

“The best part was the audience’s level of engagement” said Burley “The attendees couldn’t get enough, it was evident that the conference was meeting a need”. When asked whether Michigan HOSA would consider holding another MED Talk next year, Burley simply answered “The question is not ‘if’, but ‘how many’ MED Talks we will host next year.”

To learn more or to sponsor the next HOSA MED Talk, contact Mark Burley at [email protected] or 517-347-8088.

Michigan HOSA is a service of the Michigan Health Council, a 501(c)(3) non-profit dedicated to creating a culture of health with health professionals at the heart of the delivery system. Learn more about Michigan HOSA at

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